My site is dedicated to voicing my opinion about the state of the political environment - and the lack of civility and tolerance growing in the ranks of the conservative movement.
Smacked around by bloggers!
Published on June 10, 2004 By GeoATL In Life Journals
Well, nothing says welcome like a swift kick in the balls! Yesterday I attended a conference in Atlanta entitled "Nonprofit Summit". It's basically an annual event that attempts to gather the leaders of nonprofits to share resources, ideas, and solutions to some of our society's most pressing problems. I have dedicated by entire life to nonprofit work. Rather accidentally at first - but in the last 10 years and for the rest of my life - it's been quite intentional. Anyway, while at the conference, I heard a speaker on the topic of Public Journalism. He brought up a topic that I've heard about and studied a bit - blogs. And I finally decided to join the revolution. But on the side of the left. I've decided that rampant intolerance to anything non-conservative, non-Christian, non-right wing, simply can't go unnoticed and unattended to.

So, in my second day of posting, I commented on what I view as a tad overdone activity around the Reagan State Funeral. And boy... people came right out of the wood work to attempt to shut me down. Sadly for them, it didn't work. As I've stated, I've spent my entire professional life in the nonprofit arena. I have been witness to some of the most troubling issues and concerns of our society. What's more troubling than the issues themselves - is a lack of compassion in addressing this issues. So... get used to it those of you on the "right", I will not stop talking about the need for tolerace. Your intolerant, rascist, homophobic, classist, and arrogant remarks will not go un-checked.

But during the process, I hope that you'll maintain some civility - I will challenge your opinions and certainly your data. And I expect to be challenged as well. And I'll admit when I'm wrong - and will hope you will do the same. In the long run, who knows... maybe we'll take a moment to consider someone else's point of view!


Comments (Page 4)
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on Jun 11, 2004
BakerStreet: Thanks for the thoughts. It's kind of heard to ignore the level of insults and trash talk. I forget how much net users treasure their anonnymity and use it as an opportunity to be crass, trash talking and ill-mannered folks. Suppose I'll have to decide if I can find the needle in the haystack - the substance and see if it's worth wasting my time - or move on to another site/forum that has real debate. I do have a problem letting people by with inappropriate comments, especially if their aimed at me. But I suppose what you're saying is if you want to talk about the real issues you must let people kick you in the balls between the statements. Hmm...
on Jun 11, 2004
David, how about going on the record here. Do you agree with the statement that another blogger made, that the African American community is "living in a culture of entitlrement"? He didn't say this exactly, but I'll answer the question with an emphatic "Yes". The name of this culture of entitlement is "Western Civilization", it's citizens are black, white, male, female, gay, young, old, and it is ruled by anybody who is an identifiable victim. In today's society, a man who is not a victim is a nobody. And being an average white guy, that makes me a nobody. I can't scream racism or sexism or ageism when things don't go my way; I have to stand on my own, and so do my ideas.

Secondly, do you think that is a rascist statement to make Obviously not. I have seen enough blog entries decrying the lack of personal responsibility in today's world to suggest I'm not the only one who feels this way. The culture of entitlement encomapsses more than the African American community; it would exist in the absence of African Americans, so I don't think it's racist per se.

An example of the culture of entitlement: here in Canada, our first openly gay member of parliament was recently caught shoplifting a fifty thousand dollar diamond engagement ring for his boyfriend. He held a press conference, said he was under stress, he snapped, battling sickness, took stress leave, blah blah blah, was sorry, etc. I believe in today's vernacular it's called 'playing victim'. Long story short, he returned the ring and no charges were laid.

If it were me, I'd do a minimum of 12 months of jail time. But because he is an identifiable victim and perhaps Canada's best known gay rights advocate, he is literally above the law. I think that's the sort of thing people mean when they talk about a culture of entitlement. Or perhaps more acucurately, a culture where people can say and do what they wish, like make false accusations of racism or steal jewellery, without fear of consequence. I see examples of this in everyday life, and it gnaws at my sense of justice.

on Jun 11, 2004
GeoATL: exactly. Consider the swipes the flourish on the handwriting. Believe it or not this is all fun. Arguements wouldn't be human without little snips here and there. At least they wouldn't be very interesting to watch. Don't take anything personally from me, anyway. This is an art, not a science. Styles vary.
on Jun 12, 2004

      Hmmm I am going to unblacklist you and give your blog a second chance (I am sure you don't care tho) because this seems to have started from a misunderstanding. My post regarding the "culture of entitlement" had nothing whatsoever to do with race and everything to do with liberal victimhood. It is not African Americans or Gays or whatever that are the the targets of this statement. It is the folks of *every* creed and color who think that their problems are someone elses fault.

     I apologize for not spotting this inconsistency earlier and corecting it. I can see how someone reading the posts *might* construe my comment as a racist even though I never mentioned race in it anywhere. I guess I should have spelled it out explicitly for folks who want to see race in everything. This is why I was so angered when you called me a racist.

     It is interesting that you see people's commentary as "trying to shut you down". Persecution complex much?

     Additionally I marking it down, St. Hubbins "almost" sorta defended a statement of mine! Next thing you know mikimouse and I will be drinking beer or something (unlikely).

on Jun 12, 2004
If you're offended, the you must have a guilty complex... if you said nothing of that ilk, then you have no say in this - as the remark was aimed at those who made the offensive remarks

I'm offended because found the remark offensive. I said nothing of that ilk because I choose not to make offensive remarks. I have a say in it because I'm entitled to express an opinion on what I do and do not consider offensive.
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