My site is dedicated to voicing my opinion about the state of the political environment - and the lack of civility and tolerance growing in the ranks of the conservative movement.
Smacked around by bloggers!
Published on June 10, 2004 By GeoATL In Life Journals
Well, nothing says welcome like a swift kick in the balls! Yesterday I attended a conference in Atlanta entitled "Nonprofit Summit". It's basically an annual event that attempts to gather the leaders of nonprofits to share resources, ideas, and solutions to some of our society's most pressing problems. I have dedicated by entire life to nonprofit work. Rather accidentally at first - but in the last 10 years and for the rest of my life - it's been quite intentional. Anyway, while at the conference, I heard a speaker on the topic of Public Journalism. He brought up a topic that I've heard about and studied a bit - blogs. And I finally decided to join the revolution. But on the side of the left. I've decided that rampant intolerance to anything non-conservative, non-Christian, non-right wing, simply can't go unnoticed and unattended to.

So, in my second day of posting, I commented on what I view as a tad overdone activity around the Reagan State Funeral. And boy... people came right out of the wood work to attempt to shut me down. Sadly for them, it didn't work. As I've stated, I've spent my entire professional life in the nonprofit arena. I have been witness to some of the most troubling issues and concerns of our society. What's more troubling than the issues themselves - is a lack of compassion in addressing this issues. So... get used to it those of you on the "right", I will not stop talking about the need for tolerace. Your intolerant, rascist, homophobic, classist, and arrogant remarks will not go un-checked.

But during the process, I hope that you'll maintain some civility - I will challenge your opinions and certainly your data. And I expect to be challenged as well. And I'll admit when I'm wrong - and will hope you will do the same. In the long run, who knows... maybe we'll take a moment to consider someone else's point of view!


Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 10, 2004
*burp*....*scratch scratch*......*torrential fart*.....who's not civil?
on Jun 10, 2004
. Bad Mouse! Bad Mouse!
on Jun 10, 2004
Hey if you know that you ain't no newcomer. It takes hours to discover that.
on Jun 10, 2004
Just my stunning intuition.
on Jun 10, 2004

And boy... people came right out of the wood work to attempt to shut me down.

Boy did you show your lack of internet community experience with this line!  I am sure many around here, including Miki, can tell you that you ain't seen nothing yet if you think people were trying to shut you down with the comments on that blog.  That was a pretty darn civil blog as far as the political ones go.  Stick around and things are bound to get really interesting.

There are some major history and politics junkies on this site.  You are guaranteed a run for your money when you post about either subject.

Best wishes.

on Jun 10, 2004
aww I'm finally included in something here. Am I no longer the balck sheep here? Does this mean JillUser may actually allow me, mikimouse, to post responses on her blogsite? Hmmmmm? Peace.
on Jun 10, 2004
Well, I think I expressed my state of newness to this medium did I not? But thanks for your revelation of the same ilk. . Seriously Jill, I welcome dialogue and debate. But attacking the person delivering the debate as has been done repeatedly today, isn't debate. And I'll point that out -continuously, as I have done so ever so slightly in the first two sentences above. The problem with debate is that we think it's about one-upsmanship or proving the other wrong in a whimsical, insulting, or demoralizing way. And since it's easier to go that route than to speak/write with fact and data - we immediately go to "boy you have a chip on your shoulder" "boy are you showing your ignorance" etc. It does nothing for the argument - and I will point that out until you are either forced to join the argument or leave. It's that simple. Thanks for your warning. I'll be sure to put on the full armor of knowledge when speaking, and shut the hell up when I dont' know what I'm talking about. I'm big enough to admit when I'm wrong - and when I'm not. *w*

Reply By: JillUser Posted: Thursday, June 10, 2004
And boy... people came right out of the wood work to attempt to shut me down.

Boy did you show your lack of internet community experience with this line! I am sure many around here, including Miki, can tell you that you ain't seen nothing yet if you think people were trying to shut you down with the comments on that blog. That was a pretty darn civil blog as far as the political ones go. Stick around and things are bound to get really interesting.

There are some major history and politics junkies on this site. You are guaranteed a run for your money when you post about either subject.

on Jun 10, 2004
No one can "shut you down", so none of us really are trying to do that. The response you got on the Reagan article was because you picked the day of someone's funeral to accuse them of tens of thousands of "needless" deaths.

Had you written an article on AIDS and made the comment, you probably wouldn't have gotten more than a grumble. Instead you used the platform of the man's death to make your point, essentially inviting Reagan fans to your party.

I applaud the audacity, but if you don't want your ideas vehemently challenged, you might wanna refrain from baiting folks that will do it.

Either way, it seemed like a good conversation to me.
on Jun 10, 2004
No one can "shut you down", so none of us really are trying to do that. The response you got on the Reagan article was because you picked the day of someone's funeral to accuse them of tens of thousands of "needless" deaths.

Exactly! And to ask for civility when displaying a total LACK of respect and civility for the dead...well, the irony is probably lost in the rhetoric....
on Jun 10, 2004

Blogging can be pretty rough. Believe me. You should see the comments I get.  Heck, you should see the EMAIL I get. Oooof!

on Jun 11, 2004
When I saw your post I thought to myself, on this site, it was like Salman Rushdie eating a pork sandwich in an Iranian mosque.
I do not adhere to this idea that, just because someone dies, that we should whitewash their past....the absolute worst I saw was Princess Dianna.....and if anyone disagrees with me tell me this, what would you have said if Saddam had died in the war?....I bet you wouldnt have thought it too disrespectful to talk about his warts. I will no doubt be roundly abused for that one likening Reagan to Saddam....
on Jun 11, 2004
For those of you who appear to be somehow painfully wounded by the audacity of my mere suggestion that "lets not forget..." I would emplore you to go visit damn near any news media site who recapped more woes than I did yesterday. Poetmom, the man accepted public office and with that comes inordinate scrutiny of every detail of one's life. I don't share your opinion of him. I will not turn a blind eye to his failings and prop him up to be something he was not. End of discussion. BakerStreet - being new to this room and site, I don't think it's fair to say that I knowling baited folks into such a state. I did not, however, realize that this medium was void of any left leaning commentary. For that, I'm happy to say I'll be a thorn in your collective sides for some time to come. Secondly, no disrespect was meant to any of you - unless you were a part of policy making or the political scene of the era in which we speak. If you are not capable of engaging a public debate in a room explicitely designed for such - move on. If you prefer to linger in the moment of his death with poetry, prose, and song - visit another site. Or at least another channel. Draginol, despite the apparent lack restraint in using personal insults and attacks by many yesterday, I actually enjoyed the dialogue a bit - and learned a bit too.
on Jun 11, 2004

I did not, however, realize that this medium was void of any left leaning commentary. For that, I'm happy to say I'll be a thorn in your collective sides for some time to come. might want to spend a bit more time on the site before you make comments like that.  Trust me, there are plenty of "left" thinkers and opinions on this site.

on Jun 11, 2004
well, it's day 3 KarmaGirl for me; but trust me, I'll do just that. I spent so much time wiping the spit off my face by those who were so deeply, personally and mortally wounded at my audacity of expressing my right of free speech, I didn't get a chance to see much else.
on Jun 11, 2004

well, it's day 3 KarmaGirl for me; but trust me, I'll do just that. I spent so much time wiping the spit off my face by those who were so deeply, personally and mortally wounded at my audacity of expressing my right of free speech, I didn't get a chance to see much else.

hmmmm.....  I think you might have a rough time here is you think that was the case.  That discussion was very polite compared to most of the political discussions I have seen.  For example, I was told: "you yourself need to start preparing for the excruciating pain and misery of hell, your rightful desert for being such a failure, for blinding yourself from the supreme and glorious liberal Truth, the one and only answer. There can be no compromise."

So, if you think the comments on your article where "spit" on your face, you might find the real debates a bit too rough.

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